


【小狼毫】輸入法. 基於中州韻輸入法引擎/Rime Input Method Engine 等開源技術. 式恕堂版權所無. Download Build status GitHub Tag. 授權條款:GPLv3.


今由中州韻輸入法引擎/Rime Input Method Engine 及其他開源技術強力驅動. 【鼠鬚管】輸入法. Download Build Status GitHub Tag. 式恕堂版權所無. 授權條款:GPL v3.

RIME 小狼毫配置

2023年7月1日 — 如果發現配置沒有生效,可以查看用戶配置文件/build 文件夾下的yaml 文件,看看是否成功patch。 1. 輸入法全局設定. 1.1. 修改weasel.custom.yaml,這 ...

FreakisFire's Rime King

Check out our Titan build for Destiny 2. Everything you need to know about Titan abilities, aspects, fragments, mods, stats, Exotic Weapons and Armor.


Features. build.bat: build installer (e18117b7); installer: bundle curl, update rime-install.bat, fixes #180 (2f3b283d); rime-install.bat: built-in ZIP package ...


RIME/中州韻輸入法引擎,是一個跨平臺的輸入法算法框架。 基於這一框架,Rime 開發者與其他開源社區的參與者在Windows、macOS、Linux、Android 等平臺上創造了不同的 ...

How Do I Rime with the Code | RIME

Build and install ibus-rime. Weasel - Windows client - https://github.com/rime/weasel · GitHub issues GitHub forks GitHub stars · Build instructions for Weasel.


Rime is an input method engine for entering Chinese characters, supporting a wide range of input methods. The Rime engine itself does not provide a frontend ...

Mr. Rime | SS

Mr. Rime is listed as unviable because of its lack of support moves coupled with its mediocre Speed tier making it entirely outclassed by bulkier entry hazard ...